This May Not Onboard The Masses to Web3, but Boy is it Interesting!


  • AltLayer has just rolled out the second phase of its staking program, introducing the restaked ALT token, ‘reALT.’

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Here’s one of those ‘only in web3’ opportunities which is equal parts innovative, interesting, and complicated.

AltLayer has just rolled out the second phase of its staking program, introducing the restaked ALT token, ‘reALT.’

As a reminder, staking is when investors lock up their crypto with the promise of rewards (kind of like how bonds work).

With reALT, investors can participate in more than one staking pool, gaining exposure to other restaked rollup communities and incentives, without unstaking from the main ALT staking pool.

The result: increased staking yields (i.e. an increased return on investment for locking up coins).

Staking is a fascinating innovation which allows web3 platforms to be funded, and guarantees a return for investors.

Restaking takes that concept to the next level!

So yep, interesting stuff for those who are deep in the crypto space - and pretty exciting for nerds like us - but innovations like this probably aren’t the ones that will onboard the masses into web3.

And that’s totally fine!

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