​How to build an NFT series using AI (Part 1)

Hi, my name is Chevy, and ah...

I have a problem.

I've formed a bad habit of abiding by the demands of that little voice in my head that whispers ‘wouldn’t it be cool if…’

You know the one. (I call mine ‘Greg’).

It’s the same voice that urges you to tinker and procrastinate on projects that may or may not have an obvious pay off at the end of them.

They’re the kind of projects that leave you thinking: ‘I don’t know what this is, or who it’s for exactly…but I’m glad it exists.’

It’s a problem. Because building a business takes focus and these ‘wouldn’t it be cool if…’ projects can very quickly become BIG distractions.

I'm getting better at fending off Greg…

But every now and then, I buckle.

And it's not just unique to me - the whole Web3 Daily team has this problem...

It’s the reason we’ve lost weeks of spare time to projects like:

Today, I’ve got some good news!

...and some bad news.

The bad news is: I buckled again. The good news is: we figured out a way to make it productive and of benefit to you.

(Or at the very least, entertaining).

Here’s what I'm doing/how it happened…

I found out that one of my favorite ​NFT​ photo series (Roope Rainisto's ​Life In West America​) wasn’t Photoshopped, but AI generated.

(Thank you, ​Raoul Pal​)

I thought ‘wouldn’t it be cool if’ I...

  • Fed an AI my own original photos and got it to remix them into new works (kind of like a weird AI x human collab).

  • Created a series of 30 photos and built an NFT collection out of them.

  • Documented every step of the process in the newsletter for all to see/copy.

That way I get to silence Greg, while anyone that reads Web3 Daily can learn the process alongside me.

So that’s exactly what I'm doing. Starting today. With this here article.

(And ending once everything is ready to launch on the 23rd of August).

The moment the series is done, we’ll release a new 1/1 NFT each day for 30 days (and give a bunch away here).

Full disclosure:

We’re looking for subs more than we are money on this one - so the plan is to give away one 1/1 NFT per week to anyone that has subbed to Web3 Daily and ​filled out this form​.

Or if you don’t want to leave it up to chance, we’re going to make sure the remaining ones are super affordable (~$25).

I'll announce them the moment they go live on Twitter (​here​) and Instagram (still tbd) - so if you want first dibs, give my account a follow.

Alright, stay tuned for Part 2 tomorrow!

Follow on ​Twitter​ (Instagram coming soon) for first looks on each NFT release.

Want a chance to win a 1/1 NFT at release? ​Enter here​.

P.S. Want to try making your own AI images?

Sign up to our newsletter and invite a friend using the referral code in the welcome email.

You’ll then be invited to our Discord, where you’ll get free access to Midjourney (the AI tool we’re using for this project).

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