​How to build an NFT series using AI (Part 4)

ICYMI: Chevy is feeding his original photos to an AI to create an NFT series (and documenting it all ​here​). Follow on ​IG​ and ​Twitter​ for first looks.

Today I have a double dose of discovery and learning to fuel your AI/​NFT​ degeneracy:

  1. A 1000 ft view of Midjourney

  2. A big ol' discovery!

The 1000 ft view of Midjourney (aka how MJ works, so you can start tinkering with ease).

The free (but messy) option:

​Get a Discord account​ → Join the ​Midjourney Discord channel​ → go to one of the "#newbie" bot channels in the left column → type ‘/imagine’ followed by your text prompt.

Only problem with this option is there's ~13M members in the Midjourney Discord, with ~1.5M folks active at any one time.

Which means these channels are a mess of constant prompts and images being sent/received that quickly burry the results of your prompts.

Here's how to calm the noise...

The free (and chill) option:

Refer at least 1 person to Web3 Daily (using this link: {{subscriber.rh_reflink}} ) → get an email from us inviting you to join our Discord → Go to the "Midjourney" channel in the left column → type ‘/imagine’ followed by your text prompt.

(It's much calmer and easier to track/create this way).

Today’s big discovery!

You can send Midjourney multiple reference images.

Which means if you have a ‘reference image + text prompt’ combo that is serving up the goods, you can produce new-yet-familiar creations by throwing in additional reference images.

Seems like a small discovery - but it really lets you get on a roll once you find a ‘reference image + text prompt’ that works.

For example:

This image, along with the prompt ‘Nasa, Saturn V, Soyuz, nasa uniform, speaker system, satelite, radio tower, photo by Larry Sultan and Petra Collins’ was delivering some absolute bangers...

Like so:

I had tried chasing my success by clicking the remix button, and even tweaking the text prompt, but it didn’t really move the needle in this particular case...

Most of the results showed much of what I already had, with a few subtle changes.

But, as the saying goes: a picture is worth a thousand text prompts (or whatever).

So I threw a photo of the ocean on top of it all, to see what MJ might come back with - and got this:

What is going on here?? Is this a declassified defense research photo from the 60’s or something? I love it!

If you thought that was eerie, wait for Part 5 tomorrow!

We’re going to cover a new photo + prompt combo that is freaking-me-the-hell-out.

Follow on ​Twitter​ and Instagram for first looks on each NFT release.

Want a chance to win a 1/1 NFT at release? ​Enter here​.

P.S. Want to try making your own AI images?

Sign up to our newsletter and invite a friend using the referral code in the welcome email.

You’ll then be invited to our Discord, where you’ll get free access to Midjourney (the AI tool we’re using for this project).

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