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Snoop Dogg's 'NFT Passports'


  • Imagine if paid Twitter subscriptions not only unlocked access to exclusive content, but merch, event tickets, and playlists as well.

  • That's kind of what Snoop Dogg's latest 'Passport' ​NFT​ does, but instead of being built around a social account, it's built around his latest tour.

  • NFTs are platform agnostic, tradable, and easy to create. Which means all Snoop doesn’t have to worry about building any new tech.

  • All he has to do is attach enough value to each NFT, in order for the project to be a success. Pretty neat!

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You know the new paid subscription feature on Twitter?

Imagine if that not only unlocked access to exclusive content, but merch, event tickets, and playlists as well.

That's kind of what Snoop Dogg's latest 'Passport' ​NFT​ does, but instead of being built around a social account, it's built around his latest tour.

The Passport NFTs are going for around 0.0025 ETH (about $43) right now, with each one gifting users an additional piece of curated artwork from some of Snoops favorite artists.

Could something like this be duct taped together using ​Web2​ tools?

Sure, the exclusive content, merch, event tickets, and playlists absolutely could.

But ​Web3​ solutions aren't about reinventing the wheel, they're about adding cool new functions to what we're already used to.

In this case, the cool new functions being offered by NFTs is that they are:

  1. Platform agnostic. (I.e. they aren't dependent on a platform like Facebook, Twitter, or TikTok to remain in existence).

  2. Tradable. Each Passport NFT is a digital asset that has the potential to grow in value and can be quickly sold on the open market.

  3. Easy to create. Whether you're a big name like Snoop, or an unknown artist - creating a digital asset that meets the above criteria using Web2 technology would be a MASSIVE undertaking. (In both time and money).

All of that comes built in. Now it's just up to Snoop to attach enough value to each NFT, in order for the project to be a success.

Pretty neat!