Solana’s Second Phone Just Crossed 100K Presales ($45M in Revenue)


  • The Solana phone is a net-good for the crypto space — it lets builders target users directly, sending airdrops to their wallets, instead of paying FB to reach them.

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Is the second generation Solana phone only selling in such high numbers because buyers expect it to airdrop them free money?


Will the cost of the hardware eventually be recouped by said airdrops?

Probably not.

Is it going to be a product most people will want to daily drive?

We highly doubt it.

But we’re all for it — why?

Cause the Solana phone gathers a bunch of crypto nerds in one (digital) space, and gives developers/businesses direct access to them.

(And that’s a way bigger deal than it may first appear!)

Here’s how it affects businesses:

Having a great idea/product is one thing — convincing folks to use it is another.

The Solana phone collects potential customers in one place, validates their interest (they bought a crypto phone, they’re probably going to be interested in your crypto product) — this process usually requires thousands, if not millions of dollars of ad spend across Facebook and Google.

Now (if you’re building on Solana) it’s free.

Here’s how it affects you (a crypto dork):

All that ad budget saved by developers? Guess where it goes — or don't. We'll tell you anyway…

Your wallet.

The way these crypto projects get the attention of Solana Phone users is simple: they take what they previously would have spent on Facebook/Google ads, and airdrop that money to any/all Saga phone wallet addresses.

Want to use/redeem the tokens? All you need to do is sign in to the project’s platform/service with your Saga phone. (BOOM! New users).

It’s not a perfect system, but it’s way better than what we’re used to!

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