Turns Out Retail Investors Don’t Like Bitcoin?


  • Apparently retail investors aren’t that interested in Bitcoin this bull run, which could be an indicator that BTC is maturing as an asset.

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So, turns out retail investors aren’t that interested in Bitcoin this bull run?

Which doesn’t sounds great – but there’s an angle here: 

For the last few bull runs, crypto has onboarded quite a large amount of folks hoping to make ‘easy money.’

But we are now at the point where BTC’s potential returns aren’t as alluring as other established projects (making newcomers harder to attract). 

“Great, so where’s the angle?” - you

There’s this idea that: because new investors are moving away from Bitcoin and further out on the risk curve (aka: making riskier investments in smaller projects with greater upside) — that something is wrong…

That an appetite for great risk is a symptom of something much worse in our economy (with folks essentially trying to gamble their way to a better life).

And that might be true…

But it might also be a total misconception, from a bunch of doomers!

Cause think about it — just a few years ago: Bitcoin was that high risk gamble.

A shift to newer/riskier crypto projects from retail investors might not mean the sky is falling, as much as it means Bitcoin is maturing.


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