We’re SO NOT Back (In a Good Way) — It’ll Make Sense When You Read It...


  • We’re in stage 2/4 of the bull market (we’re close to ATHs, but folks outside of crypto haven’t noticed) meaning we should still have ~18 months of fun ahead.

Full Story

Have you ever had an experience where you ask yourself a question, and the world immediately answers you.

Not in like a ‘I read my horoscope → attached my own meaning to it → called it an answer,’ kinda way…

But a situation where you: ask a direct question → get a direct answer.

That just happened to us (and it was kinda spooky).

It went something like this:

We were playing around with Google Trends, looking at the keywords ‘Bitcoin’ and ‘crypto’ over the past five years…

We assumed search volume would be at/near all time highs right now (what with Bitcoin’s price going bonkers) — but they’re not even close!

So we asked the question: ”How could that be? (It doesn’t make sense).”

And within 2 mins, we’d opened X/Twitter and (by total chance) been served our answer by Yano (an American with a deceptively Australian nickname, who is also a co-founder of Blockworks).

The basic gist of it being…

There are 4 stages to a bull market:

  1. Rebirth
    Folks are talking about the bear market crash (what happened/why), but prices are quietly recovering under everyones noses.

  2. Excitement
    The bear market is officially over! Your holdings are toying with all time highs — but (somehow) folks outside of crypto are still yet to notice.

  3. Euphoria
    All time highs are blown past, your cousin's mate's drinking buddy is texting you for investment tips, new money is pouring into the space.

  4. Disconnection
    Prices/people get stupid, forward estimates disconnect from reality, pushing prices/valuations to breaking point.

Turns out — even though these current market gains are making us feel Euphoric — we’re still in the Excitement stage.

Which means we should have a solid 18 months of fun ahead of us yet!

Web3 Daily

Web3 and crypto news, translated into plain English.


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