What Does the Metaverse Smell Like?


  • A DAO formulated and designed a ‘metaverse scented’ perfume and brought it to market, now all the DAO members can share in its profits.

Full Story

What does the metaverse smell like? No idea, but for $201, you can find out…

We know, we know — “A metaverse scented perfume”? It sounds ridiculous.

And it absolutely is.

But it’s also FREAKIN’ COOL — here’s why:

The perfume was created by a Decentralized Autonomous Organization (DAO), which was launched by Rook Perfumes.

Rook sold a bunch of NFTs → which granted holders access to the DAO community → the funds raised by the NFT sale went towards educating the community on how to develop a perfume…

From there, the DAO members constructed a custom scent, voting on the formula, the packaging, the design — everything needed to bring it to market.

And now, “They’re co-owners of the fragrance, of every part of it,” according to Rook Perfumes founder Nadeem Crowe.

(The perfume is even being stocked in a London department store).

Here’s our takeaway:

We see this as “the online course, in its final form.”

Buy an NFT → gain access to education → implement what you’ve learned by developing a product → bring it to market and reap any financial rewards (in perpetuity).

Helluva concept!

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